Press (selection)

Media coverage

For all their problems, prizes still have a place. 2024. Financial Times.

Jana Gallus: The Psychology and Economics of Incentives. 2023. The Dissenter.

Jana Gallus: Incentives, Innovation, Awards, And Strategy. 2023. The Armen Show. [video]

Jana Gallus and the Power of Public: Recognition and Reputation as Drivers of Open Source Success. 2021. Digital Infrastructure Podcast.

Motivation kann man sich nicht kaufen. 2021. NZZ am Sonntag.

Allein – aber nicht einsam. 2021. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.

Diese Hessin wuppt in den USA einen weltweiten Online-Marathon. 2021. Hessenschau.

Jana Gallus: The Role of Precision in Incentives. 2019. Behavioral Grooves Podcast.

Why employee rewards are frequently ineffective and potentially counterproductive. 2019. Quartz.

Science confirms it: People are not pets.” 2018. The New York Times.

Making work meaningful: A leader’s guide.” 2018. McKinsey Quarterly.

Awards as incentives: Sometimes they backfire”. 2018. UCLA Anderson Review.

Rewards don't improve school attendance”. 2018. BBC News.

Interview about non-financial incentives, awards and motivation, Here We Are podcast. 2018.

Interview about recognition in organizations: "Waarom het belangrijk is dat je complimenten krijgt op je werk". 2017. Algemeen Dagblad (Dutch daily newspaper).

Los Angeles Times interview about awards and the Oscars. Feb 22, 2017 [Audio & transcript].

Distinction as "most promising economist" & coverage in DIE ZEIT, Swiss edition:
"Jana Gallus ist unsere vielversprechendste Ökonomin. Als Dank ein Edelweiß: Die Wirtschaftswissenschaftlerin Jana Gallus erforscht, wieso Geld allein die Menschen nur schlecht motiviert." Dec 8, 2016 [Link].

Economic Rockstar podcast interview about the Economics of Non-Financial Awards. Sep 29, 2016 [Audio & further links and information].

Poets & Quants short interview: "More Than 140 New Faculty At Top 20 Business Schools". 2016.

Coverage in Frankfurter Rundschau: "Gallus aus Hanau". Jun 3, 2016 [Richtig wäre: Gallus aus Bruchköbel ;-)]

What makes Wikipedia’s volunteer editors volunteer? 2016. Scientific American.

National Public Radio show “The Dinner Party Download”: Interview about awards. 2016 [Audio & transcript].

Handicapping the John Bates Clark Medal. 2013. The Wall Street Journal.

The Clark Medal’s Midas Touch. 2013. The Wall Street Journal.

General interest publications

The best ways to give employees performance awards. October 2018, The Wall Street Journal.

Awards, honours, and ribbons: Between fame and shame (with Bruno S. Frey). March 2015, VOX, CEPR’s Policy Portal.

Reply to Peter E. Earl’s article “Anchoring in economics: On Frey and Gallus on the aggregation of behavioural anomalies” (with Bruno S. Frey). October 2014, Economics: The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal.

Motivation – ausgezeichnet (with Bruno S. Frey). September 2014, VR Praxis, UnternehmerZeitung.

Auszeichnungen – Würde oder Bürde? Eine Frage der Motivation (with Bruno S. Frey). June 2014, Basler Zeitung.

Ein schöner Orden und eine würdige Feier (with Bruno S. Frey). November 2013, Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung.

Die Freude am Geld schwindet (with Bruno S. Frey). November 2013, Weltwoche.

Interne und externe Bedeutung von Ökonomen (with Bruno S. Frey, Markus Schaffner, and Benno Torgler). September 2013, Ökonomenstimme.

Extrinsische Anreize – Die Macht der Auszeichnung (with Bruno S. Frey). June 2013, Neue Zürcher Zeitung.

Award the deserving (with Bruno S. Frey). May 2013, New York Times, Room for Debate.

Auszeichnungen steigern die wissenschaftliche Leistung (with Chan, Ho Fai, Bruno Frey, Jana Gallus and Benno Torgler). March 2013, Ökonomenstimme.

Auszeichnungen als Anreiz (with Bruno S. Frey). August 2012, Ökonomenstimme.

Beautiful people earn more... and are moreover happier (with Bruno S. Frey). March 2012, VOX, CEPR’s Policy Portal.

La religiosité rend heureux, mais les églises se vident (with Bruno S. Frey). November 2011, Telos.

Religion makes people happy, so why is church attendance declining? (with Bruno S. Frey). October 2011, VOX, CEPR’s Policy Portal.